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Golden Mango
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Golden Mango
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3757 din 3757 de Companii din Masini si Utilaje Industriale
Membru Gratuit din 2024
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Scrie o parere
Golden Mango Golden Mango +48518256226 Floor 8, Viwaseen Tower 48 To Huu, Phuong Trung Van, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, -
Produse si servicii

materiale abrazive, disc taiere metal, disc de slefuire, abrasive materials, metal cutting discs, grinding discs

Tipul companiei

Importator - Distribuitor

Piata de desfacere

Europa Centrala/Est

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2024!
We are a direct importer of goods from Vietnam.

We offer comprehensive organization of the import of goods from the stage of finding the right manufacturer and product that meets the expectations of the customer, through the organization of shipping, ending with customs clearance and transport of goods to the indicated address.

Under international agreements between Vietnam and the European Union, a duty of 0% is imposed on many imported goods.

By importing goods straight from Vietnam, you significantly reduce the cost of doing your business.
Din Gura in Gura